Pet First Aid and CPR Course - You can do this!
Posted by SusanStokes on February 20, 2018

I recently had the opportunity to take a Pet First Aid and CPR Course. Why did I do it? You never know when a pet emergency might arise, but you can be prepared. In addition to having the phone numbers handy of my family veterinarian, the nearest pet emergency clinic, and the Pet Poison Helpline along with my evacuation procedure, I wanted to take it one step further. And you can too! It only takes a few hours out of your day to arm yourself with the knowledge and ability to handle a pet crisis as it occurs and potentially save a life.
Valentine's Day advice to keep pets safe
Posted by SusanStokes on February 15, 2018
It's Valentine's Day and a time to share the Love! For many of us that includes our human friends and family as well as our animal friends and family members. But what's good for humans does not always translate well for our pets. The flowers and chocolate candy that bring us humans so much joy spell trouble for our pets. Here's why:
The Central Jersey Cat Fanciers Cat Show – You are Invited
Posted by SusanStokes on January 4, 2018
Best Wishes to You and Yours this Holiday Season
Posted by SusanStokes on December 22, 2017

We want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a warm and wonderful holiday season. Thank you for following our Blog and participating in our causes. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to those of you who work tirelessly in animal rescue, animal welfare, and the veterinary field to make life better, safer and healthier for our pets and wildlife. We will continue to support your efforts to make our world a better place. May everyone experience peace and love this holiday season and always.
Team effort provides emergency relief to animals displaced by Thomas Wildfire
Posted by SusanStokes on December 17, 2017

Sometimes it simply “takes a village” to achieve results. To help animals in need affected by the deadly Thomas Wildfire in California, American Humane, Chicken Soup for the Soul, the Banfield Foundation, Zoetis, and philanthropist Lois Pope teamed up and made it possible to deliver much needed emergency relief to animals taking refuge at Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center.
Update on our Current Cause, funding a Service Dog for a TBI Survivor
Posted by SusanStokes on December 2, 2017

We have some news to share about our Current Cause which is helping to raise funds so Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor, Greg Costa, can bring his service dog home. Greg initially was matched to Gracie who was being trained at Wilderwood Service Dog training center in Tennessee, and even though she was quick to learn, after months of training she proved not to be the most ideal match for Greg. Then along came Nia.
Center for Canine Behavior Studies expands research efforts
Posted by SusanStokes on November 15, 2017

The Center for Canine Behavior Studies (CCBS) was co-founded in 2014 by Dr. Nicholas H. Dodman, BVMS, DVA, DACVAA, DACVB and Mr. Chris Janelli, the Center's Executive Director. The motto of CCBS is “A home for life for all dogs.” Their mission is to maintain the behavioral wellness of dogs and strengthen the human-companion animal bond to ensure that dogs remain in their owners’ home as trusted and valued companions for life.
Antoine’s Fund Supports Disabled Dogs
Posted by SusanStokes on October 24, 2017

Today I want to share with you a story passed along to me by a friend at PawsPR. The story is about a beautiful purebred husky named Antoine. Due to a complication of the infection Neospora during puppyhood, rigid paralysis set in his hind legs. Through no fault of his own, Antoine found himself in a shelter with no hope for a better future. In fact, most dogs who suffer from the debilitating effects of Neospora without treatment end up being euthanized. But the story does not end there.
AVMA speaks out on the importance of pet vaccination
Posted by SusanStokes on October 13, 2017

The American Veterinarian Medical Association (AVMA) published a press release in 2015 speaking out on the ainti-vaccination movement, and the information is still pertinent today. Their position is that this movement not only threatens human health, it could also have devastating effects for our pets if that ideology gains a foothold in veterinary medicine.
Book review: Taming Me, Memoir of a Clever Island Cat
Posted by SusanStokes on October 6, 2017

If you have an interest in feral cats, trap-neuter-return, or animal rescue efforts and cats in general, you should like this book. It’s a novel about Lucy Miracle, a feral kitten rescued by a caring person on a private island in the Bahamas called Cat Cay. The story is told in Lucy’s own words from her own point of view.