Celebrating Earth Day with our Pets
Vote for Max A Pooch, The Recycled Dog Who Recycles
The first Earth Day celebration took place in 1970 by channeling the energy of the anti-war protest movement and putting environmental concerns front and center, according to the Earth Day Network. Now, forty-two years later, Earth Day continues to raise awareness with regard to environmental concerns and “green” living. How do our pets factor into this movement?
Every year April 22 marks the anniversary of Earth Day. I know in New Jersey alone there were plenty of Earth Day festivals scheduled around the state during the month of April.
Credit: Greyhound Friends of New Jersey, Inc.
Unfortunately, where I live torrential rains arrived on April 22, and any plans I had for attending a festival on the Earth Day anniversary were cancelled. I guess Mother Earth dictates our plans sometimes.
One thing I could do on Earth Day in observance of the event was vote for my favorite dog, Max A Pooch, The Recycled Dog Who Recycles. He has been nominated for the “Hero Dog Award” under the category “Emerging Hero Dog.”
Credit: Max A Pooch, the Recycled Dog Who Recycles
Max has a great story as noted on the Hero Dog Award website. I think his story is especially poignant during the annual Earth Day celebrations because Max was discarded like a piece of litter and ended up at an animal control facility. If he hadn't been recycled (rescued), he would have been killed and ended up at the bottom of a landfill with cans, bottles and other useful things humans discard.
Max A Pooch is a reminder that people who discard pets and who discard litter have a common trait, and that is a lack of a sense of responsibility. The result is that annually more than 4 million cats and dogs are euthanized each year, and $15 billion is spent in the United States to pick up litter.
I would encourage all of you to vote for Max A Pooch as “Emerging Hero Dog.” He is a hero in my opinion for using his retriever talents to bring an important message to people all across the country of how to be a responsible pet owner as well as take care of our environment. Vote once a day through June 30, 2012, and help Max win the award.
Let's celebrate Earth Day every day by being responsible pet owners and supporting environmental protection laws and activities.
Susan, Taurus and Gemini