Justice for Tiger – Texas Board has voted to revoke Lindsey’s license
It was a sad, sad day for so many of us when the story first broke that veterinarian Kristen Lindsey posted a horrendous photo of herself on her Facebook page bragging that she killed a cat (Tiger) with a bow and arrow. Now we are one step closer to justice for this poor feline pet.
The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners has voted to revoke the license of Kristen Lindsey. It’s been reported that Lindsey is refusing to accept their order, and it now goes before the State Office of Administrative Hearing.
Tiger's Justice Team News Page reported this on Facebook:
“A major victory for Tiger has been won, but the battle isn't over. Kristen Lindsey's license has NOT YET been revoked. The TBVME enforcement committee VOTED for revocation, but KL REJECTED THE ORDER. This means that the case will proceed to a state hearing (SOAH) to be heard by an administrative law judge. The process will take several months to complete, and KL's license will remain active until the case is resolved.”
We are honored to share Tiger's badge on Gemini's Blog:
Let’s all keep up the fight for Justice for Tiger, and all those animals who deserve much better in life.
Credit: Facebook: Tiger's Justice Team News Page
Susan, Taurus and Gemini