Pet Food Stamps Program Helps Low-Income Families Feed Pets
Now low-income families with pets have special assistance...
There is a new program that made national headlines recently called Pet Food Stamps. Designed to help low-income families and those already on food stamp assistance, the program helps people feed their pets who otherwise may no longer be able to afford to keep their pet at home. What a great idea. With shelters already overflowing, more pets may be able to stay with their owners.
Marc Okon is the founder and executive director of this newly formed, donation-based program called Pet Food Stamps. The program is open to anyone in the United States. Okon told ABC News that more than 45,000 pets have already been signed up in the past two weeks. Once need and income is verified, the families will receive pet food each month from pet food retailer Pet Food Directfor a six-month period.
Okon says those who qualify for government assistance likely qualify for the pet assistance program. He says the program is currently running by private donations until he can obtain federal grants and funds.
“We’re not looking for government funding at this point,” Okon told ABC News. “Should the government be willing to provide assistance further down the line, we will look into it.”
Around 400 New Mexico residents have applied to receive help from the food stamps for pet program. Recently census data showed that New Mexico remains one of the nation’s poorest states.
To apply, one must complete an online application. Okon reported that applications would be accepted through mail once the program moved to its new office. The program’s nonprofit status is still pending as of this writing.
Hoping all those who need it can use the program. Let's keep our pets at home.
Susan, Taurus and Gemini