Home > Gemini's Blog > Update on Junior - can you help?

by Susan Stokes

Update on Junior - can you help?

Posted by SusanStokes on June 18, 2014

Thanks to everyone who donated to Junior’s cause so far. Junior is a one year old cat that was rescued from a feral colony. Unfortunately, he has a Portosystemic Shunt, otherwise known as a liver shunt. It is a condition where the blood vessel bypasses the liver, preventing the blood from being detoxified. The veterinarians feel he is a good candidate for surgery, and the fundraising continues.

Junior’s caregivers reported a great follow up visit with the veterinarian recently. This time Junior "behaved like a normal cat" and allowed Dr. Zacuto and the team examine him.

Junior_three.jpg  Junior_two.jpg


Since then, however, Junior has been having a rough couple of weeks and experiencing lots of small hepatic episodes.


The caregivers have applied for grants to help fund the surgery needed, but so far have been denied. It’s all up to private donations right now and the goal is $7,000. We are only part way there at this writing.

Read more about Junior in our earlier Blog.

Visit the link below to help fund the surgery Junior needs:


Please Like Junior’s Faceook page!

On behalf of Junior, thanks for your support.  Please spread the word to help this cat get the surgery he needs!

Susan, Taurus and Gemini
