Today is National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
What questions can you answer for your cat today?
It’s that time again, folks. Today is National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day. The one day of the year that your feline friend gets your undivided attention and you tell it like it is. Last year I answered Taurus, so this year I will answer Gemini’s questions.
Gemini, what are your questions today?
I think what he is asking me here is “Can’t you see I’m trying to sleep? Why are you using that camera flash? I'm covering my eyes!”
Sorry…I’ll turn off the flash, but please wake up and ask me another question.
I think what Gemini is saying here is “Hmmm…this cat carrier is not my favorite thing. Why is it still here? I ran away from it recently, and I cried the last time I was secured inside. It’s scary to me.”
Well, Gemini, it’s still here because we want you to get used to it being around. It’s important that you get into it without being afraid so we can take you for your annual examinations and transport you in the case of an emergency.
As mentioned in my interview with Taurus last year, the point of this day is that it is your cat’s behavior that begs the question. Is he hiding when company comes to your home? Does he growl when a stranger picks him up? Is he missing the litter box lately? Is he eating less than usual or drinking more water than usual? He poses questions constantly by his behavior, and in order to answer, you need to watch and listen.
Check out Taurus’s question on last year’s post, and remember, you can make communication between you and your cat fun while practicing two-way communication every day. You will have a much happier relationship and appreciate each other more in the long run.
Happy National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day!
Susan, Taurus and Gemini