So This Is Christmas

Posted by SusanStokes on December 25, 2012

...and what have we done?

Another year over, and a new one just around the corner.  Yes, John Lennon’s “So This is Christmas” is one of my favorite songs at this time of year.  And what have we done?  Well, a lot.

Picking Up the Pieces and Giving Thanks

Posted by SusanStokes on November 21, 2012

Animal rescue in the wake of Sandy…

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, I can only give thanks for having been spared the worst of Hurricane Sandy.  There were many downed trees and loss of electricity and internet access for several days in my area, but no major home damage for me and the kitties this round beyond some popped siding. Unfortunately, not true for others and their pets.

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Voting Humane

Posted by SusanStokes on November 6, 2012

A guide to voting humane on Election Day 2012...

Election Day 2012 is upon us in the United States. As an animal advocate, do you know who is standing up for animal welfare?  Do you know which candidates are friends of animal protection?  The Humane Society Legislative Fund can help.

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Waiting for Hurricane Sandy to Arrive

Posted by SusanStokes on October 28, 2012

Include your pets in your disaster preparedness plan…

As Hurricane Sandy makes her way up the East coast heading for landfall in New Jersey, we hope by now everyone with pets have their disaster preparedness plans in place.

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Happy National Feral Cat Day

Posted by SusanStokes on October 16, 2012

It’s time to celebrate our feral cat friends..

October 16 has been designated as National Feral Cat Day.  It was created over ten years ago by Alley Cat Allies, the national organization who acts as advocate on behalf of feral cats across the country in order to promote humane care for feral cats. Read more to find out how you can participate in an event near you.

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Honoring our 9/11 Canine Heroes

Posted by SusanStokes on September 11, 2012

Let’s not forget the brave dogs who helped during this tragedy…

The events of 9/11 affected so many lives and will continue to affect so many lives for years to come.  Today we remember the men and women who lost their lives 12 years ago today and the brave first responders who answered the call for help. What I want to highlight here is how our brave canine friends assisted through the search and rescue efforts.  Following are some links to stories and photos that we cannot forget.

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An introduction to Natural Horsemanship

Posted by SusanStokes on August 15, 2012

The natural approach to horse training…

My journey through the animal rescue world has given me the opportunity to learn more about horses and horse rescue.  I have also learned something about proper horse training and the method called “Natural Horsemanship.”  What follows is an introduction to this method for those of you who are not familiar.

Africa Weeks for the Animals

Posted by SusanStokes on August 3, 2012

Celebrating the diversity and welfare of our African animal friends…

So far, the majority of my posts have been focused on what’s happening close to home, with the exception of Lennox.  However, there are animals in need all over the world, and I thought it was time to take a look at what other countries and cities are doing to help.  For instance, August 4 kicks off the “Third Annual Africa Weeks for the Animals.”  Let’s take a closer look at this event and what it has to offer.

Lennox, Rest in Peace

Posted by SusanStokes on July 11, 2012

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Dogs and July Fourth fireworks don’t mix

Posted by SusanStokes on July 4, 2012

Protect your pooch from July Fourth festivities…

Did you know that there is a 30% increase in lost pets during the time frame of July 4 through July 6 each year?  There is a reason for this.  Notice how your dog reacts to noises around him. Many dogs get quite excited over the slightest sound and fearful during thunder storms.  July Fourth fireworks can push your pooch over the edge.  You’ll find him running for cover when you are having the time of your life enjoying all the July Fourth activities.

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