March is National Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month

Posted by SusanStokes on March 19, 2013

Consider adopting a Guinea Pig of your very own

The first National Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month was celebrated in March of 2002.  It was designated by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) as a way to raise awareness about guinea pigs waiting in shelters for their new forever homes.  It is also a month to help people learn more about their proper care.

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Shelter animals at risk with NJ Assembly Bill 3825

Posted by SusanStokes on March 11, 2013

New Jersey Assembly Bill 3825 withdrawn

On March 4, Alley Cat Allies, the national advocacy organization for cats, put out an alert that the New Jersey Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee was considering a bill that would put cats’ lives (and all shelter animals for that matter) at risk.

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Pet Food Stamps Program Helps Low-Income Families Feed Pets

Posted by SusanStokes on February 26, 2013

Now low-income families with pets have special assistance...

There is a new program that made national headlines recently called Pet Food Stamps.  Designed to help low-income families and those already on food stamp assistance, the program helps people feed their pets who otherwise may no longer be able to afford to keep their pet at home.  What a great idea.  With shelters already overflowing, more pets may be able to stay with their owners.

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Happy Nyan Nyan Nyan Day!

Posted by SusanStokes on February 22, 2013

Celebrating Japan’s 27th Annual Cat Day

How many of you knew that today, February 22, was Japan’s 27th Annual Cat Day?  I ran across details about this Japanese celebration in the Washington Post blog and had to bring it to everyone’s attention here.  There are some interesting facts noted in the blog about cats in Japan where they are especially popular.

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A few words from Bo on this President’s Day

Posted by SusanStokes on February 18, 2013

Who is the real boss of Bo?

In light of President’s Day, I thought I would pay some tribute to our First Dog, Bo, a male Portuguese Water Dog and a breed less prone to arousing allergic reactions in humans. He was given as a gift to the Obamas by Senator Ted Kennedy. The Obamas in turn made a donation to the Humane Society of Washington, D.C. to help shelter pets. 

Friends of Animals Protest Squirrel Slam

Posted by SusanStokes on February 3, 2013

Help stop this unnecessary killing of squirrels...

Today I am reposting on behalf of Friends of Animals and in defense of squirrels everywhere.  I found this story quite unbelievable; an annual "Squirrel Slam" to raise money for the Holley Fire Department.  Please read and share if you would like to help the squirrels and help stop this unnecessary killing. There are other ways to raise money.

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Pet Insurance Saves Pet Lives

Posted by SusanStokes on January 27, 2013

Why Pet Owners Need Pet Insurance...

Following is a story I received from my veterinarian at Belle Mead Animal Hospital that is well worth sharing. "Several weeks ago I examined a 12 week old puppy and helped the wonderful owner with its wellness visit.  I advised them to immediately enroll in pet insurance for emergencies. The owner followed my advice, and thank goodness they did."

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Today is National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

Posted by SusanStokes on January 22, 2013

What questions can you answer for your cat today?

It’s that time again, folks. Today is National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day.  The one day of the year that your feline friend gets your undivided attention and you tell it like it is. Last year I answered Taurus, so this year I will answer Gemini’s questions.

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Food raffle offered to benefit feral cats

Posted by SusanStokes on January 8, 2013

30 caregivers of feral cats will be awarded…

Today I am sharing a blog post by Project TNR on For The Animals' Sake NJ.  The Animal Protection League of NJ is offering a food raffle to benefit caregivers of feral cats. This a limited time offer.

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New Year's Resolutions for Your Pets

Posted by SusanStokes on January 1, 2013

And a few resolutions for humans as illustrated by cats…

It’s New Year’s Resolutions time again.  Let's concentrate on our pets first.  What should we resolve to do in the New Year that is in our pet’s best interest?