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Pet ferrets need regular veterinary care

A healthy ferret enjoys play time and is a fast learner. However, there are a few health concerns to look out for, and regular veterinary care is a must in order to detect disease in its early stages.
  Ferrets are very intelligent creatures and make great pets for the right family. With a lifespan of about six to nine years, a ferret can provide quite a bit of…

Ferret Fascination

Happy National Ferret Day! Learn more and watch a rescued ferret we met while visiting the 2015 Super Pet Expo in Edison, New Jersey.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Actually, there appears to be at least two Ferret Days. The first being recognized on April 2 here in the United…

Let’s celebrate National Ferret Day!

Ferrets are very intelligent creatures and make wonderful pets. The purpose of National Ferret Day on May 5 is to ensure issues such as welfare, care, nutrition and ownership are all highlighted in a positive way and to educate the public to respect ferre…
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ferrets are very intelligent creatures and make wonderful pets. With a lifespan of about six to nine years, a ferret…