Llama Love at the Hunterdon County 4-H and Agricultural Fair

Posted by SusanStokes on August 24, 2018

I always have the best time attending 4-H Fairs. The variety of animals just fascinates me, especially when I meet those that I simply don’t see every day, such as the livestock. This year I was fortunate enough to meet a few Llamas up close and personal while learning about them from one of the 4-H leaders in the Llama tent.

Feline Agility staged at the Garden State Cat Show

Posted by SusanStokes on July 24, 2018

The Garden State Cat Show/Expo took place July 21-22, 2018, at the New Jersey Convention and Exhibition Center in Edison, New Jersey. The event was hosted by the Garden State Cat Club. One of the features of the annual event was the Feline Agility contest, and what fun that was to watch!

Duke Farms in New Jersey offers excellent educational programs. Most recently I had the opportunity to attend an hour-long presentation about Birds of Prey. The presenter was from the Delaware Valley Raptor Center (DVRC) who brought live rescued birds to showcase while educating the audience about the bird species and its habits and characteristics. Following are some takeaways.

Happy Mother's Day from the Kitties

Posted by SusanStokes on May 12, 2018

Wishing all the moms out there a Happy Mother's Day! And that includes moms to both human and furry friends, as well as animal moms and their offspring.

Look What's New at the 2018 Super Pet Expo in Edison

Posted by SusanStokes on April 11, 2018

Once again, I’m excited to share the news about all the attractions scheduled during the Super Pet Expo this year. The 18th annual event will take place April 13-15, 2018, at the New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center in Edison.

Pre-Registration date extended

The panelists for By The Book: Animal Writers’ Workshop have been announced. The workshop is scheduled for Saturday, April 28, 2018 at the Oldwick Manor, Oldwick, New Jersey. The workshop will highlight the various avenues for breaking into the animal writing field, including adult and children’s literature, fiction and nonfiction. Both aspiring authors and seasoned writers are invited to attend. Panelists will offer a variety of experience in the animal book publishing field.

Spring Peepers Are An Unmistakable Sign of Spring

Posted by SusanStokes on April 4, 2018

It’s an unmistakable sign of spring – the melodious sound of the spring peepers! What is a spring peeper you might ask?  According to the Farmers' Almanac, spring peepers, pseudacris crucifer, are the most famous of all the chirping frogs. However, they’re not the only species native to North America. In fact, spring peepers belong to a group of frogs known as “chorus frogs.”

Brain Injury Awareness Applies to Pets Too

Posted by SusanStokes on March 30, 2018

We spent a lot of time in the past helping to raise funds to unite a service dog with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) survivor which had a very positive outcome. But just like humans, our pets can sustain trauma to the head resulting in traumatic brain injury, too. Head trauma is a medical emergency and can have far reaching health effects for pets. So now we want to raise your awareness of how pets can suffer brain injury and what to expect if this happens to your dog or cat.

Special Workshop for Animal Lovers and aspiring Authors!

Posted by SusanStokes on March 16, 2018

Calling all writers and aspiring authors! A workshop designed to help you break into the Animal Book field is scheduled for Saturday, April 28, 2018. By The Book - Animal Writers' Workshop will take place at the Oldwick Manor, Oldwick, New Jersey, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Service Dog united with Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor

Posted by SusanStokes on March 16, 2018

We have good news to report regarding of our most recent current cause!  Service dog, Nia Grace, has gone home to Greg Costa, traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor!  It was a wonderful and long-awaited reunion, and we cannot thank everyone enough for the donations and support of this cause.